The Loving Approach in Pregnancy Support

It was about café meeting number 4 when Kim (name changed) wanted to express how much she appreciated the help she had received through our centre. She slipped a white envelope with some writing on it across the table and said, ‘I want you to have this. It’s the money I had put aside for the abortion, but I want your Centre to have it so you can keep helping women like me.’ We were both in tears and speechless, hand in hand.

How did we help? A simple conversation, a safe and open review with Kim, of her difficult situation, which had led her to a place of decision. She was facing a decision that would impact her life, her marriage and her unborn baby. Compassion and a listening ear were all she really needed. A space to unpack her feelings, fears and heart aches. An understanding affirmation and an honest look at all the variables and truths that would follow whatever she decided. A confidence that there was support and help along the way.

There are Pregnancy Help Centres all over Australia that do just that, every day. Why? Because women are highly valued by God and continually affirmed as extraordinary in His Word. A woman’s true worth comes from the infinite God who created her in ‘His Image’. It is a woman who is blessed with the incredible wonder of child-bearing. And so, to support and aid her through this sometimes daunting journey is to care lovingly for her mental, emotional, physical and spiritual welfare.

In 2021, over 300,000 births were registered in Australia. (Births, Australia, 2021 | Australian Bureau of Statistics ( The abortion rate in Australia is approx 19.7 per 1000 women aged 15-44. (Abortion Rates by Country 2023 []) That would suggest an estimate of a staggering 73,000 abortions occurred that year. We will never know the real number, as most states do not keep records of these and they can be categorised as other medical procedures.

Whatever the true number, compassion for both mother and the unborn is vital. If 73,000 women had to navigate some very difficult circumstances and decisions, they deserve all the support and encouragement possible to empower and bring hope to their lives. So, it is with all love and appreciation of womanhood, that Pregnancy Help Centres offer a positive and honouring space for pregnant women to take the time to think about their decisions and explore their options. 

There is practical support, counselling, mentoring and more for women and couples, who want this kind of help during their pregnancy. There are phone lines for anonymous conversations and centres around Australia offering face to face counselling. We need to get this message out! There are safe caring places and most of them offer their help for free.

The ’Unexpected Workshop’ here in Melbourne, is a great way to equip and inform Churches and groups about how to offer information and support to women and men facing an unexpected pregnancy or abortion grief. The free workshop comes to you and is just 2 hours of interactive and helpful information raising the awareness of how we can all help in this space. We are taking enquiries and bookings now:

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